Here at St. Francis Veterinary Clinic, we are happy to offer dermatology services to our patients.

Dermatology for your pet can include the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of benign and malignant disorders of the ears, skin, mouth, hair, and nails.
Some of the skin problems we routinely see include fleas and other parasites, which can be easily treated and prevented. Other skin problems, however, can be a bit more difficult to diagnose and treat. These include skin problems associated with allergies, parasite infestations, infectious, autoimmune, and endocrine (hormonal) diseases, chronic or recurrent ear infections, diseases of the feet, footpad, or nails, and skin cancers.
We will do everything we can in order to help your pet feel some relief, though we will first need to determine the cause of your pet’s skin problems. To do this, we are proud to offer our patients a variety of dermatologic procedures, such as allergy and fungal testing, cultures, and biopsies.
Please contact us today at (501)-327-9200 if you have questions or concerns about your pet's skin.