St. Francis Veterinary Clinic is excited to offer nutritional counseling as a service to pet owners.

Nutrition is so important for pets throughout their lives. As your pet grows older, his or her nutritional needs will begin to change as each life stage requires a specific balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, and carbohydrates. There are also diets made to help pets with certain medical conditions. These prescription diets are formulated and designed to meet specific nutritional needs required for illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity, arthritis, allergies, pancreatitis, cancers, and many more. It is important to discuss your pet’s diets with our staff every time you visit our hospital.
If your pet needs the support of our veterinary staff, we can recommend a specialized diet and exercise plan for them, building a custom plan that will cater to their individual health. Veterinary support is especially helpful for pets that are experiencing weight gain caused by illness. In these instances, medication can be prescribed that will suppress the appetite and help stop fat absorption.
Nutritional counseling is a great way to educate and inform pet owners about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet for their pet. We will tailor the counseling and nutritional plan to meet your pet’s lifestyle, needs, health problems, and age.
At St. Francis Veterinary Clinic, we only provide prescription diets, meaning these diets cannot be obtained at a normal pet food retailer.
To schedule an appointment, contact us today at (501) 327-9200.